Common Escoria Nodes

To make games in Escoria it’s handy to understand the relationship between Godot’s Scenes and nodes. These are documented here

Every location the game character can go to in the game will be its own Godot scene, and each of these scenes is referred to as an Escoria room. An Escoria room might be a bedroom or bathroom, but might also be the roadway on a bridge or a forrest clearing. All the objects in the room are Godot nodes.

There are several different types of Godot nodes. Their names and a brief overview of their uses is detailed below. For further information on each configurable parameter for each node, what it is and what it is used for, see the associated API page.


Where an API page says Extends: <sometype>, this means that the particular Escoria node has inherited all the features of the node type “sometype” and builds on them. Any additional features it has will be described in the “Property Description” of the node on the API page.)

For example, ESCRoom extends Node2D. This means it has all of Node2D’s features, like a “position” and a “scale”. The API page also tells you in its “Property Description” that it has (among other things) an associated “player_scene” and “camera_limits” which can be configured.

Most node types referenced in the API are intended to be used internally by Escoria. The ones of most use to game makers are :


An ESCRoom is the root node of your room scene. This is responsible for telling Escoria which character you’ll control in the room, the script to use to configure the room before use, and the area of the room the camera is allowed to see.


An ESCitem is an object that the player can interact with in some way, a window or a phone for example. You associate an Escoria script with the item to tell Escoria what to do when the player interacts with the object (what happens when they “look at” or “use” the object, for example).

An ESCItem is accessible in Escoria scripts by the name provided in the Global ID field. This name should be unique to your whole game.

You will typically assign a few child nodes to each ESCItem.

  • Sprite / Animated Sprite : This is an image of the object that will be displayed on the screen for the player.

  • CollisionPolygon2D : This is a shape that tells Escoria when the mouse is over the object. Set this up to cover the Sprite.

  • ESCLocation : If you make an ESCLocation the child of an ESCItem, when you interact with the item the character will automatically walk to this position to perform the interaction. As an example, place an ESCLocation underneath a “window” ESCItem and the player will walk to the window when you “look” at it.


This is the background image for your room. ESCItem`s will be drawn over the top of this. Assign the background image for the room to the `ESCBackground’s “texture”


An ESCTerrain tells Escoria where in the scene the character is allowed to walk. When clicking within the game window, the character will automatically walk to the clicked spot (or as close to it as it can) while staying within the terrain.

The game allows for multiple terrains to be configured, but only one can be active at a time. A good use for multiple terrains would be a hallway with a closed door in the middle. The initial terrain would cover the floor on the side of the hallway where the player currently stood up to the doorway. This would allow the player to walk up to the door, but not pass through or beyond it.

A second terrain would include the area covered by the inital terrain, as well as the floor through the doorway and the far side of the hallway.

In the script attached to the door ESCItem, when the player opens the door, you would disable the first terrain and enable the second, allowing the game character to walk through the entire hallway.

Terrains are a NavigationPolygonInstance node and are referenced in code by their name rather than a Global ID.


An ESCLocation is a location within your game that the character will walk to under certain conditions.

  • You may use a scripted walk command to force the character to walk to a certain location. This is handy for cutscenes as part of telling your game’s story.

  • If the ESCLocation is a child of an ESCItem, the character will automatically walk to the location when you interact with the item.

  • If you call an ESCLocation “player_start”, Escoria will automatically place the player there when it loads a room (unless otherwise instructed by the script attached to the ESCRoom).


An “exit” to your room (i.e. the method by which your player moves from one ESCRoom to the next) can be made by enabling the “Is Exit” option on an ESCItem. This, however, requires an associated script to be created and attached telling Escoria how to interact with the ESCItem (exit).

For an exit that is just an exit and doesn’t require any scripting, use an ESCExit. All that it requires to be configured to make it work are the “target_scene” to change to and, optionally, a “switch sound” (the sound to play when changing rooms).