What is Escoria?

Escoria is a framework made for and with Godot Engine allowing for the creation of 3rd person point and click adventure games.

It provides various special nodes and features to help developres focus on creating rooms, items, characters, and puzzles. It takes care of all the common tasks that all adventure games need to have: character movements, transitions between rooms, item relationships, etc. All that is left to do for a developer is to create all these elements for the game and script their interactions.

It does not require deep Godot Engine knowledge, only the basics of Godot scenes and resources.


This framework was initially developed in 2016 for the point and click adventure game The Interactive Adventures of Dog Mendonça and Pizzaboy and later streamlined for broader usage and open sourced as promised to the backers of the Kickstarter campaign.

Because of maintainability issues, to make the framework easier for new developers, and bring it closer to Godot’s standards, the framework was completely rewritten and optimized in 2020.


## Authors

In alphabetical order:

  • ArturM

  • Sylvain Beucler - beuc

  • Fleskevor

  • Ariel Manzur - punto (original author)

  • Julian Murgia - @StraToN

  • Dennis Ploeger - @dploeger

  • Markus Törnqvist - mjtorn


Like Godot, the Escoria framework is licensed under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file in any of the Escoria repositories for details.

Base concepts

Escoria comes with many features designed for point and click adventure game development. For this purpose, some concepts need to be clearly defined in order to create game scenes.


A room is a specific scene defining an environment for the player to walk in. It is composed of these mandatory elements:

  • an ESCRoom root node

  • an ESCBackground that defines both the background texture and the area that reacts to player inputs

Additionally, some facultative elements can be added:

  • a walkable area (called “terrain”): Defines the area where the player (if any) an walk in

  • items (interactive or not)

  • specific location points in the space

  • other visible elements in the room that are not managed by Escoria: Simple sprites, particles, etc.


Items are central in Escoria. They are multi-purpose as they can be different things. All these purposes are combined into one node type as they share many details in common:

  • an interactive item that can react to scripted actions: It can be part of the background (not pickable) or a pickable item that goes into the inventory

  • an “exit” that triggers rooms transitions

  • an invisible trigger zone that activates a scripted event if an object or the player collides with it

NPCs (Non Playable Characters) are also considered as items in Escoria. Nothing forbids you from creating a game where the player can have a discussion with a table, a button on the wall, or a rock on the floor.

Items can also be defined as “movable”, which allows them to move around the room using defined animations.

If an item is pickable, it must be associated with another specific Godot scene for it to be displayed in the inventory.


The player is the scene that is controlled by Escoria to perform the actions corresponding to the user inputs, e.g. walking to a destination and performing actions on items. This scene also includes base animations defined for the character for idling, walking and talking, and other specific animations.

It is not mandatory to define a player scene if your game is a HOPA (Hidden Object Puzzle Adventure) or a Myst-like game. In these kinds of games, the world is displayed in the eyes of the protagonist, so there is no player to walk to the clicked item’s location. In this case, events are immediately started after being triggered by user input.

Inventory and inventory items

Escoria manages the inventory for the game developer. This includes items that are added or removed to the inventory and events and actions happening on inventory items (“look” and “use” items for example).

Of course, the way the inventory is displayed to the player in terms of UI is the game developer’s responsibility. Escoria only provides some base scenes for inventory and inventory items, but the way these are displayed is not managed by Escoria. This way, the game developer has total control over the inventory.

ESC Scripts

Escoria uses scripts (a set of Escoria commands that include such actions as moving an object to a certain location, or playing a sound) to determine the behavior of the game world and the objects within it. ESC scripts:

  • are plain text files

  • can be created in any text editor (including the Godot script editor)

  • have the file extension “.esc”

  • can be stored in any location within your game’s filesystem structure